Description Help irregular menstruation Green tea extract : Rich with Polyphenol and EGCG which inhibits the growth of cancer cells bolsos réplicas exactas china and control growth of the cancer cells. Dong quai extract: Female ginseng with this special ingredient helps women, especially within the dialysis adjustment period. Inflammation of the uterus And balancing hormones especially in women aged 40 years and over. Soybean extract: Prevent cancer The antioxidant action Inhibit the growth of tumors and cancer cells. Has anti-cancer-related hormones in women. Tonic effect: Irregular menstruation Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (whitish or Yellowish) leuccorhoea (leukorrhea) Menstruation pain Uterine inflammation Abnormalities in the uterus Usage: 1 box containing 20 capsules, in order to faster results can choose to take 2 capsules before bedtime, the second phase can be before bedtime 1 capsule. |